Job application letter is a letter from someone who needs a job (the applicant) to the person or official who can provide jobs or positions. Through a letter of application that the applicant requested that he be given a job. Pekarjaan cover letter can also mean a letter from the prospective employee to prospective employers that includes a request to give prospective employees at work by the prospective employer.
Job cover letter can be made in two ways:
• The application letter in combining work with a curriculum vitae (curriculum vitae). In this model include life history in the letter. Because the contents of a joint, this model is also called the composite model
• Letter of application which is separated from the history of life. In this model life history is attached. Therefore, this model is also called a separate model. In practical usage. is widely used is a separate model. Although the construction work requires twice, but the application of this model is more popular with job seekers because the letter was not that long.
The following procedure for writing Job Application Form
Job application letter should be short, solid, does not beat around the bush, right on the issue. Presented is all that is required by the relevant job title.
That must be considered in writing job applications are:
1). Personal data includes applicants who:
• Name
• Place and Date of Birth
• Address
• Marital Status
2). Education
• Formal education such as elementary / junior high / high school / College, etc..
• non-formal education ie courses or training that have followed
3). Experience working
• If you already have work experience, mentioned in the letter of application, whether in accordance with the proposed position or the other field. If have never worked should mention the ability for the proposed position based on who has the ability.
4). Employment Application Form Appendix
Attachments are all things that are included in a letter of application with a view to reinforce or strengthen the letter for consideration for the enterprises or agencies that offer employment.
Appendix in the job application letter:
• Register CVs
• Photocopy of the last certificate
• Police record Certificate
• Health Certificate from the Doctor
• course certificate Photocopy / training
• Latest Photograph
Jl.Sahardjo 8
Jakarta Selatan
Mr. Bani Santoso
Human Resources Directory
Jl. Gunung Sahari no 12-14A,
Jakarta 12870
Dear Mr. Bani Santoso:
I am applying for the position of Accounting. which was advertised in the Kompas of Sept 28.
I have enclosed my resume, and i would like to schdule an interview. I will call you early next week.
I look forward to discussing this position with you.
Sincerely yours,
Andra Arizka
Curriculum Vitae
Name : Andra Arizka
Address : JL.sahardjo 8
Jakarta Selatan 12860
Phone : 8300345
Place/Date Of Birth : Jakarta, 13 March 1990
Gender : Male
Marital Status : Unmarried
Education : SMA Diponegoro, High School 2007
Experience :
January 2009 - August 2009 Accounting Staff
PT. Telkomsel corporation.tbk
JL. Jend Urip 100
Jakarta 12163
Reference :
Joni Aditya, General Manager
PT Telkomsel coporation.tbk
JL. Jend Urip 100
Jakarta 12163
Jl. Gunung Sahari
Telp 87857485 - 84545747
Fax 45346565

JL.sahardjo No 8
Manggarai, Tebet
Jakarta Selatan 12860
Dear Mr.Andra Arizka
Thank you for sending your letter and resume.
We appreciate your interest in the PT.Cahaya Mutiara
We would like to schedule an interview on Monday, Oktober 13 at 9 a.m. Please call us to confirm the time.
We look forward to talking with you
Sincerely Yours,
Mr. Bani Santoso
Human Resources Director
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